Kit List and Packing Tips!
Having the right kit for Equinox24 can make your whole experience even better! So we have written this kit list blog to help you decide what to bring with you to the event. Clothing Most people at Equinox24 need to think about clothing for both running and camping....

The Equinox24 Experience
Arrival for many wishing to make the most of the weekend is on Friday afternoon or evening (although you could opt for a night in your own bed and arrive Saturday morning if you prefer). Friday night is where the fun begins. The event village soon starts buzzing with...
I can’t run for 24 hours!!
I can’t run for 24 hours!! Are you crazy?! No that is not for me! Here’s the big misconception… 24 hr race entrants run for 24 hrs! Or they’re ultra-fit. Some do and are …. BUT many aren’t! So why are 24 hour races so popular with ‘regular’ runners? Quite simply, a 24...